sudo – getting root permissions
ll /etc/passwd
vi /etc/passwd - Read only file, we cannot write
sudo vi /etc/passwd - able to write
user and group permissions for files and groups
[opc@new-k8s etc]$ ll /etc/os-release
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 452 Sep 30 2020 /etc/os-release
Switch user
sudo su
su vignesh
su – vignesh
Creating user
For Ubuntu Operating system
By default useradd
command will create a user but will not create home directory
useradd test
To create home directory pass -s
or --create-home
argument to useradd
useradd -s test1
Set password for user
passwd test
Verify user
cat /etc/passwd
Test user trying to install tree package
sudo yum install tree – will not work, because test user dosen’t have sudo privileges
Giving Sudo permission to a User
For giving sudo permission to a user, you need to add the user to a respective group based on the operating system
For Centos, oracle Linux os
usermod -aG wheel test
Group Name –> wheel
For Ubuntu os
usermod -aG sudo test
To verify whether user is added to the group
id test
cat /etc/group
Test user trying to install tree package
sudo yum install tree – will work, because test user now have sudo privileges
Remove user from group
gpasswd -d test wheel
gpasswd -d test wheel
Delete the user without deleting any of their files
userdel test
Delete the user’s home directory along with the user account
userdel -r test