Approach 1

Downloading the openjdk 15 tar file from official website, untar the file , delete the downloaded tar file and set the path to java binary.

Create a Dockerfile and copy a below content
FROM centos:8

ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/java/jdk-15.0.2/bin

WORKDIR /opt/java

RUN curl -o openjdk-15.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz

RUN tar -xzf openjdk-15.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz && 
    rm -rf openjdk-15.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
Build a docker image
docker build -t java-approach-1:15 .
Check the size of docker image

Run the following command to check the docker images available in local machine

docker images
Docker Images
Create a docker container from the created image and check the java version
docker run --rm java:15 java -version
checking java version

Approach 2 (Best Practice)

Downloading the openjdk 15 tar file from official website, untar it and delete the tar file in a single layer and set the path to java binary.

Create a Dockerfile and copy a below content
FROM centos:8

ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/java/jdk-15.0.2/bin

RUN mkdir /opt/java && 
    curl | tar -xz -C /opt/java/

If you are downloading a file inside dockerfile and if that file is not needed after extracting, then we should delete that file in the same layer.

This is because, Docker images are layered architecture, file added in one layer cannot be deleted in second layer, we have to remove it in the same layer if that file is not required.

Even if we delete the file in the next layer, it will not have any effect because the file is already added in the last layer and we cannot override that layer.

Every ‘RUN’ command will create one layer for docker image.

Build a docker image
docker build -t java:15 .
Check the size of docker image

Run the following command to check the docker images available in local machine

docker images

Now we can see, the size of the docker image is reduced.

Create a docker container from the created image and check the java version
docker run --rm java:15 java -version
checking java version

Approach 3 (Best pratice)

Same as approach 2, but instead of putting all the commands in Dockerfile, put the commands in shellscript file, copy the file to Dockerfile then run the shellscript.

Approach 2 would be better, if you want to handle everything from the Dockerfile itself.

Use Approach 3 if you want to put lot of logic in single layer, if the commands are less we can use the approach 2

Create a shellscript

Copy the following content to file


mkdir /opt/java
curl | tar -xz -C /opt/java/
Create a Dockerfile
FROM centos:8

ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/java/jdk-15.0.2/bin


RUN chmod +x && 

Approach 4

Still if we want to reduce the image size, we can use alipne as base image. alpine is very light weight base image.

Create a Dockerfile and copy the below content
FROM alpine:latest

ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/java/jdk-15.0.2/bin

RUN apk add --no-cache curl && 
    mkdir /opt/java && 
    curl | tar -xz -C /opt/java/
Build a docker image
docker build -t java-approach-4 .
Check the size of docker image
docker images

Now we can see, the size of the docker image is reduced very much.