Pull nginx docker image from dockerhub

azureuser@raghav:~$ docker pull nginx:latest
latest: Pulling from library/nginx
648e0aadf75a: Pull complete 
262696647b70: Pull complete 
e66d0270d23f: Pull complete 
55ac49bd649c: Pull complete 
cbf42f5a00d2: Pull complete 
8015f365966b: Pull complete 
4cadff8bc2aa: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:e361ebd7123278ec4b279e1a97237b71b6993600b02843c8b4bf8b6f65cfa3d7
Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:latest

Verify docker image is successfully pulled

azureuser@raghav:~$ docker images
nginx        latest    89da1fb6dcb9   11 hours ago   187MB

Tag the docker image to your dockerhub username

azureuser@raghav:~$ docker tag nginx:latest vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest
azureuser@raghav:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
nginx                    latest    89da1fb6dcb9   11 hours ago   187MB
vigneshsweekaran/nginx   latest    89da1fb6dcb9   11 hours ago   187MB

The same nginx:latest docker image is tagged to vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest

Login to dockerhub

azureuser@raghav:~$ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one.
Username: vigneshsweekaran
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/azureuser/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

Push docker image to your Dockerhub account public repository

  • Repository is automatically created on first push
  • By default, the created repository will be public
azureuser@raghav:~$ docker push vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest
The push refers to repository [docker.io/vigneshsweekaran/nginx]
922d16116201: Mounted from library/nginx 
abc3beec4b30: Mounted from library/nginx 
c88d3a8ff009: Mounted from library/nginx 
8aedfcd777c7: Mounted from library/nginx 
4deafab383fa: Mounted from library/nginx 
24ee1d7d6a62: Mounted from library/nginx 
c6e34807c2d5: Mounted from library/nginx 
latest: digest: sha256:73e957703f1266530db0aeac1fd6a3f87c1e59943f4c13eb340bb8521c6041d7 size: 1778

Now vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest docker image is pushed to your dockerhub account public repository


Delete all the images locally

azureuser@raghav:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
nginx                    latest    89da1fb6dcb9   11 hours ago   187MB
vigneshsweekaran/nginx   latest    89da1fb6dcb9   11 hours ago   187MB
azureuser@raghav:~$ docker rmi nginx:latest vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest
Untagged: nginx:latest
Untagged: nginx@sha256:e361ebd7123278ec4b279e1a97237b71b6993600b02843c8b4bf8b6f65cfa3d7
Untagged: vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest
Untagged: vigneshsweekaran/nginx@sha256:73e957703f1266530db0aeac1fd6a3f87c1e59943f4c13eb340bb8521c6041d7
Deleted: sha256:89da1fb6dcb964dd35c3f41b7b93ffc35eaf20bc61f2e1335fea710a18424287
Deleted: sha256:e5afcbbf8f223b546a1db3d4f3c83064f346a2a8e17d4bfbaec1d12c90e2a6e3
Deleted: sha256:fda03119193d4611de17fa3d1eb9f02fb94333ac5d27ca507139a09ba0eaba1d
Deleted: sha256:04d32bbd70d3d7e3368290157afdfb502799784b7c60d87487e77c7aafd67d2d
Deleted: sha256:00d0e91fd006a5c96ec790434df1bb4ee545d84b34554ac2fbe5667568f916a1
Deleted: sha256:4f15baf3c136dbeff8c6f90737f0e54bd641095fd6441e359a1789ccbe554714
Deleted: sha256:748e3217b5fa76ff3ebd97186a6fcb595b92611ca87f480ea3d622e460c9a212
Deleted: sha256:c6e34807c2d51444c41c15f4fda65847faa2f43c9b4b976a2f6f476eca7429ce
azureuser@raghav:~$ docker images

Logout the docker login in local terminal

azureuser@raghav:~$ docker logout
Removing login credentials for https://index.docker.io/v1/

Pull the nginx docker image from your dockerhub account

Anybody can pull the docker image vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest since the docker image is pushed to public repository in your dockerhub account

azureuser@raghav:~$ docker pull vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest
latest: Pulling from vigneshsweekaran/nginx
648e0aadf75a: Pull complete 
262696647b70: Pull complete 
e66d0270d23f: Pull complete 
55ac49bd649c: Pull complete 
cbf42f5a00d2: Pull complete 
8015f365966b: Pull complete 
4cadff8bc2aa: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:73e957703f1266530db0aeac1fd6a3f87c1e59943f4c13eb340bb8521c6041d7
Status: Downloaded newer image for vigneshsweekaran/nginx:latest
azureuser@raghav:~$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
vigneshsweekaran/nginx   latest    89da1fb6dcb9   12 hours ago   187MB