Kubectl commands

To create, get, delete service account in default namespace

kubectl create serviceaccount service_account_name
kubectl get sa
kubectl delete sa/service_account_name

To create, get, delete service account in specific namespace

kubectl create sa service_account_name -n namespace_name
kubectl get sa -n namespace_name
kubectl delete sa/service_account_name -n namespace_name

To get service account in all namespaces

kubectl get sa --all-namespaces

To know the taints applied to the node

kubectl describe node node1 | grep -i taints -A5

To delete a particular taint

To remove a taint with key (eg. key = dedicated)

kubectl taint nodes foo dedicated-

To get information about the node

kubectl describe node node_name

To see the init container logs

kubectl logs <pod-name> -c <init-container-2> (To see the init container name, kubectl describe pod/pod_name)