What is git rebase and how to use it

Git rebase is used to synchronize your current bramch with the target-branch / created-branch / any-branch

In current branch, the commits comming from target-branch will be kept below the commits done in the current branch.



Lets create a branch called feature-1 from dev branch and do two commits in feature-1 branch



Go to dev branch and do two commits there



Now go to feature-1 branch and run rebase command to bring dev commits below the commits in feature-1 branch

git rebase dev


If you are pushing the feature-1 branch for first time then no issue, simple git push origin feature-1 should work


If you have already pushed feature-1 branch with some commits and now if you are trying to push it may fail, since we have altered the commit history, we have the push the branch forcefully

git push origin feature-1 -f

Note: You should use git rebase very carefully, since it alters the commit history